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Commentaire Romand de la Loi fédérale sur le droit international privé et la Convention de Lugano, chapters on international arbitration (Helbing & Lichtenhahn, 2011), second edition is to be published in 2023.


"Vers un arbitrage préventif ?" report to the Swiss Jurists Association, published in SJV/SSJ/SSG, Schweizerischer Juristentag 2002, first volume


International Arbitration in Switzerland, co-author with Prof. Andreas Bucher (Helbing & Lichtenhahn, 1989)




On Commercial Arbitration in General

The Commercial Arbitrator’s Jurisdiction over the Contract in Liber Amicorum Emmanuel Gaillard (to be published 2023)


On Arbitration in Switzerland

Yearly Review of Arbitration in Switzerland, Revue de l'arbitrage, every year since 1981

Quelle mission pour les législateurs de l’arbitrage commercial international ? BULLETIN ASA 2021, pp. 42-60

Faillite et capacité d’être partie à un arbitrage international en Suisse, Les Cahiers de l’arbitrage, 2013.439

De l’opportunité de modifier l’art. 7 LDIP, ASA Bull., 2010.478 

Arbitrage et Procédures Parallèles, in Arbitrage Interne et International – Comparativa N° 79, 35 (2010)

The Award – How to structure it, how detailed? Reasoning and dispositive part, adding insult to injury? in The Resolution of Dispute – from the Hearing to the Award, ASA Special Series N° 29, 25 (2007)

Arbitrator’s conflicts of interests: Switzerland, ASA Special Series N° 18, 65 (2001)

Le choix de l’arbitrage, Baurecht, 56 (1992/3)

La convention d’arbitrage, Int’l Bus. L. J., 749 (1989)

On Arbitration in the United States

International Arbitration in the United States: the Need for a New Act, 3 Arb. Int’l, 309 (1988)

Le droit américain et la convention de New York, International Commercial Arbitration - Proceedings of the 1st Laval Conference, 249 (1986)


On Arbitration in France

Le contrôle judiciaire de la validité et du domaine de la clause compromissoire: émergence d’une nouvelle règle matérielle? case note, Rev. Arb., 691 (1989)


On State Contracts

Compensation for Non-expropriatory Breaches of International Investment Law, The Contribution of the Argentine Awards, co-author with Jorge Viñuales, 26 J. of Int’l Arbitration, 729 (2009)

Contrats d’État et mesures unilatérales de l’État devant l’arbitre international, 74 Rev. Crit. Droit Int’l Privé, 47 (1985)

The Contributions of the Aminoil Award to the Law of State Contracts, 18 Int’l Law, 245 (1984) 



© Pierre-Yves Tschanz 2025

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